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Hello and Welcome. My name is Martial Tipsey and I’m excited you’ve come to visit me! 

Business & Leadership Coaching

Are you a Founder and CEO looking to get clarity on what your doing? Are you looking for guidance in aligning your objectives and goals throughout your organization? Need help inspiring your employees to success?

As a serial entrepreneur and business leader, I can help with all this and more. 

So who am I? Here’s a brief journey of who I am and my career…


Product Manager

For 8 years I have worked with amazing teams to build products that have delighted people’s lives.

My career work spans industries including mobile app development, gaming, e-commerce, online social networks, and cybersecurity. Cross-functional teamwork to meet goals is not just a skill, but a way of life. My work has led to quadrupling company revenues, 30% increases in user retention, and innovative products helping protect people’s online lives


Leadership & Management

What holds a special place in my heart? Helping others achieve what everyone else believes to be impossible.

While one can do great things alone, you can do amazing things together. From establishing product vision across your teams, spear-heading a data-driven culture and establishing UX and experimentation, I’ve helped folks at all levels expand and grow.

With over 10 years of experience directly managing people, I’ve learned a very important and valuable lesson. I don’t win, unless those around me do too. When you work to get those around you to win, you can achieve what others conceive to be impossible. 


Serial Entrepreneur

Across my career I’ve spun up a number of exciting ventures, from building a launch title in conjunction with Intel, growing a K-POP community to 10k users in a month, building and growing a live-streaming shopping experience, to running a woman’s athletic leggings business. 

I know what it’s like to be on the ground floor. And I know what it’s like to wish there was someone that could help offer guidance on the journey.


Personal Life

Hey, that’s personal! 

All kidding aside, as family man with kids, I of course enjoy spending as much time with them as I can. Likewise, I value my friends dearly and make time for them as well.

I also enjoy writing, if you explore the web, you may run across some of my endeavors. 🙂



Shoot me an email at with your name and number so we can connect.


headshot of Martial Tipsey wearing black reading glasses and light blue dress shirt.